During the

International Scientific Annual Meeting
of the Astronomische Gesellschaft
Heidelberg, 14.-19.9.1998,

interested scientists are invited to participate in the Splinter Meeting D

Physics of Accretion Disks
17.7.1998 14:00-17:00

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The meeting is intended to bring together new aspects of physical processes in accretion disks around young stellar objects, compact stellar objects and AGNi.

Final program:

14:00-14:15 H.E. Froehlich
G. Ruediger
The eddy-heat flux as a stabilizer of cold accretion disks
14:15-14:30 H. Klahr On the azimuthal structure of thermal convection in circumstellar disks
14:30-14:45 T. Beckert Thermal states of advection dominated accretion flows
14:45-15:00 M.v. Rekowski
G. Ruediger
2D Accretion Disk Models with Dynamo-Generated Magnetic Fields
15:00-15:15 A. Steinacker
Th. Henning
Global 3D MHD simulations of accretion disks
15:15-15:30 A. Hujeirat On the MHD evolution of self-gravitating protoplanetary accretion disks
15:30-15:45 M. Kueker
G. Ruediger
Structure of magnetized protoplanetary disks
15:45-16:00 S. Kunze
R. Speith
H. Riffert
Simulations of the stream disk impact in CVs
16:00-16:15 M.R. Schreiber The interaction between jet, disk and irradiation: a simple model
16:15-16:30 J. Steinacker 3D-Radiative transfer in accretion disks
16:30-16:45 A. Nelson
W. Benz
T. Ruzmaikina
Heating and cooling in circumstellar disks
16:45-17:00 M. Ilgner
Th. Henning
Vertically stratified chemistry in protoplanetary disks

The presentation time for each talk is 10 minutes, discussion time is 5 minutes. All speakers are asked to concentrate on new aspects of their work in their presentation.

Note that the presentation by W. Kley "Evolution of an FU Ori outburst in protostellar disks" has been transferred to poster (no. 27), as well as the presentation "Dust evolution in protostellar accretion disks" by G. Suttner and H. Yorke, while the contribution of E. Willerding "Shock wave trigger for the formation of giant planets" now will be presented at the splinter meeting A Origin of Planets.

Please, tell us well in advance if you need a video machine for your presentation.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us:

J. Steinacker, AIU Jena stein@astro.uni-jena.de
W. Kley, TPI Jena wak@tpi.uni-jena.de
W. Duschl, ITA Heidelberg wjd@ita.uni-heidelberg.de

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J. Steinacker, 9/7/1998