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PSF Retreat

PSF Retreat 2014 - List of Participants

There are currently 54 registered participants.

Presentation titles will be included after the SOC selection.
Name Contribution
Jorge Abreu-Vicente
(PhD student)
Relationship between density structure and evolutionary class of molecular clouds
Zoltan Balog
Henrik Beuther
Simon Bihr
(PhD student)
THOR - The HI, OH, Recombination Line Survey of the Milky Way - HI observations of the giant molecular cloud W43
Jeroen Bouwman
Esther Buenzli
(Post Doc)
Cloud structure of a neighboring brown dwarf binary
Simona Ciceri
(PhD student)
KOI-1299b: a massive planet in a highly eccentric orbit transiting a red giant
Casey Deen
(Post Doc)
How to improve PSF coffee?
Örs Hunor Detre
(Other staff)
Markus Feldt
Bertrand Goldman
Nearby star sample with PS1
Roland Gredel
Thomas Henning
Introduction and overview of PSF research
Stefan Hippler
Zoltan Hubert
Cornelia Jäger
Ion-induced erosion of carbon grains: Implication of CO and CO2 formation in molecular clouds and protoplanetary disks
Viki Joergens
Jouni Kainulainen
(Post Doc)
Eric Keto
The dynamics of collapsing cores and star formation
Hubert Klahr
Rainer Köhler
(Post Doc)
Image reconstruction of circumstellar disks with MATISSE
Christine Koepferl
(PhD student)
Derek Kopon
(Post Doc)
The LINC-NIRVANA Pathfinder, Status and Results
Taisiya Kopytova
(PhD student)
Chemical abundance as a key to formation scenario of exoplanets
Serge Krasnokutski
(Post Doc)
Ultra-Low-Temperature Reactions of C(3PJ) Atoms with PAH Molecules in Helium Droplets and in the Interstellar Medium
Oliver Krause
The SPICA mission
Rolf Kuiper
(Post Doc)
Ralf Launhardt
Hendrik Linz
IRASSI: a feasibility study for a far-infrared space interferometer
Aiara Lobo Gomes
(PhD student)
Vortex formation and evolution in discs under thermal relaxation and with a high mass planet embedded
Mykola Malygin
(PhD student)
First maps of thermal relaxation time in vertically isothermal passive disks
Luigi Mancini
(Other staff)
The HATSouth project
Natascha Manger
(Master student)
Elena Manjavacas
(PhD student)
Physical characterization of brown dwarfs
Gabriel-Dominique Marleau
(PhD student)
Paul Mollière
(PhD student)
A new code for atmospheric structures and spectral calculations
Esteban Morales
(Post Doc)
Towards a hierarchical multi-wavelength catalog of Galactic young stellar objects
Christoph Mordasini
(Post Doc)
Friedrich Müller
(Other staff)
Markus Nielbock
The FIR variability of AGB stars as witnessed by Herschel
Christian Obermeier
(PhD student)
Preliminary Results of Pan-Planets
Adriana Pohl
(PhD student)
Analyzing spiral arms in scattered light images of protoplanetary disks
Thomas Robitaille
Modeling young stellar objects and forming clusters throughout the Milky Way
Florian Rodler
(Humboldt fellow)
Gaël Rouillé
(Post Doc)
Growth of silicate grains in the ISM: an experimental study
Michael Rugel
(PhD student)
Sarah Sadavoy
(Post Doc)
Exploring Core Formation in the Perseus B1-E Clump
Silvia Scheithauer
(Other staff)
JWST MIRI - Performance from Cryo-Vacuum Testing
Andreas Schreiber
(PhD student)
Planetesimal Formation via Streaming Instabilities
Matthäus Schulik
(Master student)
Inflating Hot Jupiters with ohmic dissipation
Dimitry Semenov
Amy Stutz
(Post Doc)
Protostars and Gas
Richard Teague
(PhD student)
DCO+ and HCO+ in DM Tau
Svitlana Zhukovska
(Post Doc)

last modified: 30 Jan 2018