Lectures' details and bibliography

for the Brown dwarf and exoplanet course

General advice regarding the bibliography:


Date Title and bibliography
17.10.06 Organisation, introduction (9.3 Mb)
24.10.06 Spectral classification (2.7 Mb)
Die neuen Spektraltypen L und T, Bailer-Jones & Bastian, Sterne & Weltraum, May 2004, p.20
Kirkpatrick et al., ApJ 319, p. 802 (1999), especially §5: L type
Martín et al., AJ 118, p. 2466 (1999), especially §§3,4: L type
Burgasser et al., ApJ 637, p.1067 (2006): §4: method, and §5: T type
30.10.06 Observational properties of brown dwarfs (5.8 Mb)
New light on dark stars: end of §2 & §5
6.11.06 Structure and evolution
New light on dark stars: §3
Chabrier & Baraffe, 2000, ARA&A, 38 337
Burrows et al, 2001, Rev.Mod.Phys. 73 719 (§§I–IV)
13.11.06 How to search for brown dwarfs? (4.1 Mb)
20.11.06 How many brown dwarfs in the Galaxy? (2.4 Mb)
New light on dark stars: §9
Chabrier, 2003, PASP 115 763
4.12.06 Formation: How do brown dwarfs form?
New light on dark stars: §§3.6,9.8
11.01.07 Brown dwarfs in their infancy (1.8 Mb)
Jayawardhana et al., 2003, AJ 126, 1515
Kirkpatrick et al., 2006, ApJ 639, 1120: young field BD
Liu et al., 2003, 585, 372
Mohanty et al., 2005, ApJ 626, 498: accretion
Sterzik et al., 2004, A&A 427, 245: disk evolution
15.01.07 Introduction to extra-solar planets, history (5.1 Mb) How do we find searches extrasolar planets: the transit, microlensing, astrometry, radial velocity, direct detection methods.
New light on dark stars: §11
Planet formation, Klahr & Brandner ed., §1
22.01.07 Formation of (extrasolar) planets
25.01.07 Statistics and comparison of the methods (4.4 Mb)
Charbonneau et al., PPV proceedings on transits, astro-ph/0603376
Perryman, astro-ph/0005602
29.01.07 Atmospheres of extrasolar planets, habitable zone (8 Mb)
Marley et al.: atmosphere (PPV), astro-ph/0602468
Chyba (ARAA): Astrobiology
(other relevent Annual Reviews)
5.02.07 Conclusions, prospects (4.2 Mb)

B. Goldman, last modified: Monday, February 5, 2007.
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